Professional Networking

I won’t lie to you, I don’t have very much experience with professional networking. So this whole LinkedIn site has all been new and I’m still figuring it out. Slowly, but still figuring it out. The way I’ve approached creating my new professional networking go to – LinkedIn – and some other groups/sites that are related to my brand.

The way I see it, your LinkedIn profile should basically be like an online resume. When people access your LinkedIn profile, you want them to be impressed by what you have done. I chose to include an appropriate photo of myself, and include my name and a headline that will attract people into checking out the remainder of your profile. Having documents and other posts on your profile that show of your skills helps people see that you’re really serious and well learned in your brand- they relate to your brand on a deeper level. Somethings I might decide to share on LinkedIn are some of my hobbies, past experiences, memories, things that help show off that I’m really REALLY about my brand.

Having a strong precense on LinkedIn can help me connect with possible future employers, that I might not otherwise have access to. LinkedIn does exactly that – it makes me more accessible. Accesible to people around the world that might have an interest in me and my brand.

Here are some good people to connect with that share a similar vibe as my brand. On ways to create our own happiness, and how to find joy in the little things in our everyday lives.




Inspirational Video Blog

One video blog that I’ve had the pleasure of visiting multiple times is a YouTube channel owned ran by a man named Josh Sunquist. Josh lost his leg to cancer when he was a teenager, and his blog features many videos of him overcoming his difficult circumstance. The particular video I’m going to share here is a video of him taking incredible shots on goal with a soccer ball. Not all his videos focus around being with out one of his legs, but what all his videos do feature is the fact that he doesn’t let being handicapped slow him down in the slightest. He chooses to focus on the good in his life and in the world around him instead of focusing on the fact that he’s got one less leg than the majority of the planet. I find this useful in my brand because realizing how lucky we actually are is a good way to produce ourselves with more happiness. Josh focuses on the things he can do instead of dwelling on things he can’t. After I first heard his story, I myself was more thankful and appreciative of the fact that I’m lucky enough to be healthy and have both legs, and it made me incredibly happy that I’m able to do all that I can with my two legs. Through Josh sharing his story on his YouTube channel, he’s able to inspire all of his viewers to really appreciate what they’re given, which is a message I also hope to share through my blog!

Inspirational blogs 

This is Lanikai Beach in Kailuau, on the island of Oahu, HI. I can’t even begin to explain the feelings I had while I was here and how grateful I am that I was able to step foot on this amazing island. This is one of the happiest memories I have, and love sharing it with others. Many people feel the same way about certain memories they have and choose to share them with the public through blogs/social media, much like I have chosen to do. Many of these blogs post about things in life that are supposed to make us happy, or that should lead us in that direction. Which is the message that I’m trying to portray to my lovely audience. Taking a moment to see what makes others happy, and what is worth posting to them, can help us see beautiful things through the eyes of others, and open us up to different things that we may not normally find intriguing. 
Website #1

This is a photo blog posted by an author by the name of Noel Alva. She posts amazing photos about traveling, friends, and experiences that have brought her happiness in her life. Whether it be something like traveling to a beautiful beach, or riding in a car with your friends with the windows down, enjoying the nice weather and time together… You can’t help but smile at her posts, and see the small beauty in those instances in your own life. I look at this blog and see how the simple layout and simple use of photos is effective, and because of this blog I’ve decided to include a photo with every post I make on my own blog. 
Website #2

This blog is called Madly In Love With Me and also falls close in line with the message in trying to portray. The blog talks about ways in which it’s readers can change their potential negative self image into a positive one through actions such as foregoing negative comments on oneself or to quit comparing ourselves to other people all the time. This blog gives me a good idea on some people’s insecurities that I may be unaware of, and gives me a better understanding on some good potential aspects to touch on. 
Website #3

This website is called Tiny Buddha and offers its readers advise on how to because happier and how to appreciate things in their lives. This website gives me advise on what to do in some instances, and helps me ultimately make better decisions so that I can help others if they ever come to be for advise… And helps provide me with experiences to share with my readers. 
Website #4

This website is called Just As I Am – An Experiment in Self Acceptance. The title says it all. There’s a particular post on this blog in which I related and revisit. It talks about taking risks. I’ve found that going out of your comfort zone and doing things you normally wouldn’t do can bring some of the happiest moments. This helps me remember that I need to project the importance of risk taking, because it can bring people many happy experiences and helps them appreciate their current situations. 
Website #5 

this is the most intriguing website to me, and one that I visit often and almost idealize, as far as blogs go. It’s called Just The Little Things, and lists out little instances in life that make us happy even for just a small moment. Things like someone saving you a seat, hearing crickets at night, or even rapping your favorite part of a song and completely slaying it. These things make us smile, even if only for a moment. This is what I hope to do with my blog, to be completely honest. I think it’s great and to the point, and think that everyone would enjoy it!